

Service Leadership – It’s More than Words

I’m regularly asked what it is that makes the main difference between success and failure when trying to find ways to make service make a worthwhile difference. My answer is always the same. Leadership. Whether it comes from an individual leader or a team of leaders, their guidance, encouragement and support is what makes or breaks it.

Recently I was watching a TED video in which the speaker said something that made it even clearer for me. They used the phrase "But it’s more than words; it’s beliefs and conviction". That triggered an avalanche of thoughts and reflections that made me realise that was she said was the key to Service Excellence. It is the conviction of those leaders that makes the important difference.

The simple definition of a conviction is 'a belief in something that needs no proof or evidence'. And that's what they have. They are convinced that if they recruit the right people, create a great place for them to work in, encourage them to become the best they can be and then focus their efforts on creating the very best they can for colleagues and customers, that is a winning formula for any organisation. And they don't need to do research or cost justification exercises to prove this. They just know it is right and thus get on with it - with confidence, energy, enthusiasm and urgency.

There are many organisations where the right words are used, but the appropriate actions don't follow. The more I think about this, the more I realise that it's not the words that are used that create success; it needs more than words. What is needed are actions, driven by the thoughts, feelings and behaviours that result from the conviction that this is simply the right thing to do.


© Copyright Chris Daffy

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